OS X: Fixes Hints Tweaks and Tips

From Indie IT Wiki





NOTE: To any user planning to purchase an Apple Mac computer and who doesn't plan on installing Linux on it, just stop. Buy a Windows 7 system instead because even though it is crap it is still a whole lot better than the stinking pile of shit that is OS X.


Download Full macOS Installation Packages

There is now a Python app that will list you all the macOS packages and you can download any of them easily.


Py2/py3 script that can download macOS components direct from Apple.

Can also now build Internet Recovery USB installers from Windows using dd and 7zip.


python3 ./gibMacOS.command

Application from Command Line

sudo su -
curl -O http://website/app.dmg
hdiutil mount app.dmg
cp -R "/Volumes/Software Name/Software Name.app" /Applications
hdiutil unmount "/Volumes/Software Name/"



/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"



brew install telnet



L2TP / IPsec VPN


A Scanner In Yosemite

You can add a scanner to the list of devices in Printers & Scanners preferences.

If you’ve already set up a printer that includes a scanner, you may be able to use its scanner features without any additional work. Select the printer in the list at the left, then click Scan.

  • Before setting up your scanner, choose Apple menu > App Store, then click Updates to make sure OS X has the latest information about scanner software it can download from Apple.
  • If you have a multifunction AirPrint printer and scanner, no software is installed, so you don’t need to check for software updates.
  • Follow the instructions that came with the scanner to unpack it and connect it to your Mac.
  • Important: Don’t install software that came with the scanner. OS X downloads the latest scanner software automatically.
  • Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Printers & Scanners.
  • If you don’t see your scanner in the list at the left, click Add . If a pop-up menu appears, choose Add Printer or Scanner.
  • Select your scanner, then click Add.
  • If your scanner isn’t in the list, see the documentation that came with the scanner to find out how to scan with it.

Hackintosh - Unsupported Systems - Mojave


Mount NTFS External Drive


Always Show Scroll Bars


Dock Tweaks






Fast User Switching

Turn on Fast User Switching in the Accounts System Preferences. It's in the Login Options. (click the padlock to unlock settings)

Enable SSH


Read/Write To Ntfs Formatted Drives

Install software from here.

NOTE: On install NTFS-Free Yosemite you are required to run the following in the terminal:


sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel
sudo kextcache -system-caches 

After the first command you will need to enter your password because of 'sudo' (super user do) this disables the security check. The other 2 commands just clear your cache of any old versions of this kernel extension to give you a fresh slate. After you install/reinstall you'll restart and things seem to be working. It is suspected that this will be broken in the next update because this uses the /System/ folder which apple will be phasing out 3d party use of that folder.

CUPS Web Interface


cupsctl WebInterface=yes

To access the web interface in a browser's address bar type either of the following:



FileVault - Drive Encryption

  • Main Apple menu | System Preferences | Security & Privacy | FileVault (Tab)
  • Click on the Padlock icon



Adobe Creative Cloud Launching At Login



launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist


launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist

Thanks to Stack Exchange.

Automatic Updates

sudo softwareupdate --schedule off





Handoff is: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH25169?locale=en_GB

Disable on MacOS: https://www.howtogeek.com/331246/how-to-disable-handoff-on-your-iphone-and-mac/

Recently Used Programmes Section On Dock

System Preferences --> Dock --> Untick the entry "Show recent applications in Dock"

System Integrity Protection

   Click the  symbol in the Menu bar.
   Click Restart…
   Hold down Command-R to reboot into Recovery Mode.
   Click Utilities.
   Select Terminal.
   Type csrutil disable.
   Press Return or Enter on your keyboard.
   Click the  symbol in the Menu bar.
   Click Restart…


LogMeIn Remote Sound Driver

Go to Macintosh HD/system/library/extensions and move the file "logmeinsounddriver64.kext" to your Desktop, then restart your computer.


Journaling On A HFS+ Drive Using Linux


sudo apt-get install hfsplus hfsprogs
sudo fsck.hfsplus /dev/sdXY
sudo mount -o force /dev/sdX /your/mount/point
sudo mount -o remount,rw,force /mount/point

See here, here, here, here









The Dashboard is activated by pressing F12, however it is always running in the background hogging resources, so to permanently disable it undertake the following.


defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean YES
killall dock

To revert the behaviour run again changing YES for NO, followed by 'killall dock'.

User Profiles From Appearing On The Log In Screen

NOTE: Applies to Yosemite (10.10 and newer).


sudo dscl . create /Users/hideuser IsHidden 1

To revert the change:


sudo dscl . create /Users/hideuser IsHidden 0
  • Where 'hideuser' is the name of the profile to be hidden.
  • Reboot the system after either change to enable it.

This also hides the user from the Fast User Switching menu and login and logout menus.

The account can still be accessed through SSH, screen sharing, remote login and GUI login panels.

Thanks to OS X Daily.


Download temporarily unavailable

If you ever get a second hand mac and wipe the disk to start again, etc., make sure you write down the Apple ID details of the original user, so that you can sign into it before reinstalling os x.

Otherwise, Apple will throw you a highly ambiguous error message, "Download temporarily unavailable".

Grant File Access" Errors with MS Office 2016 (365)

Loss of Stationery in Mail After Upgrading to Mojave


Unable to Install System Update


sudo -s
softwareupdate -i -a


Blank Samba Folders Or Cannot Connect To File Share

Finder > Go To Folder > cifs://ip.address.of.server

NOTE: This will not work, but then close that window and try your other shortcuts or shares again, they should now work.

Black Screen Of Death (on start up)


Thumbnail Previews Not Working In Finder

Open a terminal:

Method One:

qlmanage -r cache # reset cache

Method Two:

qlmanage -r # delete and rebuild cache

System Shutting Down Part Way Though Boot Up Sequence




Slow/Dropping Wi-Fi (Sierra)

If you are using macOS Sierra (either out-of-the-box or after upgrading) and you are experiencing slow Wi-Fi speeds or dropping connection, deleting the Wi-Fi preferences may help. Finder use the Go to Folder command (Command + Shift + G):

  • /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

Delete (after backing them up) the following files:

  • com.apple.airport.preferences.plist
  • com.apple.network.identification.plist
  • com.apple.wifi.message-tracer.plist
  • NetworkInterfaces.plist
  • preferences.plist

Reboot the Mac and if possible the modem or router.

Thanks to OSX Daily, more tips available.

Thunderbolt Adapter For Network Not Working

Delete all network connections, reboot and then re-add them.

Blank Samba Folders Or Cannot Connect To File Share

Finder > Go To Folder > cifs://ip.address.of.server

NOTE: This will not work, but then close that window and try your other shortcuts or shares again, they should now work.


Hidden Speed Tweaks

Forbidden Commands to Speed Up macOS

Change the Log Out text

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow LoginwindowText "Get your filthy hands off me you damn, dirty ape."

Change the name of your macOS user account and home folder


Sound Output

System Preferences > Sound > Output

Screen Shot Format

Where jpg is the format you want, or substitute with bmp gif etc as required:


defaults write com.apple.screencapture type jpg

Logging out and in is required to activate the change.

Primary Host Name

The fully qualified hostname will look something like this: mymac.domain.com

In the following <new host name> is replaced by the new name for the machine:


sudo scutil --set HostName <new host name>
dscacheutil -flushcache

Finally restart the machine.

Bonjour Host Name

Where <new host name> is replaced by the new name for the machine:


sudo scutil --set LocalHostName <new host name>
dscacheutil -flushcache

Finally restart the machine.

Computer Name

Where <new name> is replaced by the new name for the machine:


sudo scutil --set ComputerName <new name>
dscacheutil -flushcache

Finally restart the machine.


Create A Bootable USB Drive


DNS Cache - Clear/Flush

In the terminal:

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Print A Test Page

  • Click the Apple icon on the upper-left side of the screen
  • Click 'System Preferences'
  • Click 'Printers and Scanners'
  • Select the printer in question
  • Click 'Open Print Queue'
  • Click 'Printer' from the task bar at the top of the screen
  • Click Print Test Page

Keyboard Shortcut - Force Quit

In the way that MS Windows has CTRL+ALT+Delete to open Task Manager macOS the Force Quit Applications. Press the following three keys together to open Force Quit Applications:

Option, Command, and Esc (Escape)

Create Shortcut on Desktop to Server Share

  1. Finder > Go > Connect To Server > smb://
  2. Finder > Preferences > General > Show these items on desktop > Connected Servers
  3. Desktop > Select Server Icon > Finder > Make Alias

Move iOS Backups


Prepare Your Mac For Sale


Recover Your Apple ID


Startup Key Combinations

To use any of these key combinations, press and hold the keys immediately after pressing the power button to turn on your Mac, or immediately after your Mac begins to restart. Keep holding until the described behavior occurs.

Command (⌘)-R: Start up from the built-in macOS Recovery system. Or use Option-Command-R or Shift-Option-Command-R to start up from macOS Recovery over the Internet. macOS Recovery installs different versions of macOS, depending on the key combination you use while starting up. If your Mac is using a firmware password, you're asked to enter the password.

Option (⌥): Start up to Startup Manager, which allows you to choose other startup disks or volumes, if available. If your Mac is using a firmware password, you're asked to enter the password.

Option-Command-P-R: Reset NVRAM or PRAM. If your Mac is using a firmware password, it ignores this key combination or starts up from macOS Recovery.

Shift (⇧): Start up in safe mode.

D: Start up from the built-in Apple Hardware Test or Apple Diagnostics utility, depending on your Mac model. Or use Option-D to start up from this utility over the Internet.

N: Start up from a compatible NetBoot server, if available. To use the default boot image on the NetBoot server, hold down Option-N instead. Computers that have the Apple T2 Security Chip don't support this startup key.

Command-S: Start up in single-user mode. This key combination requires macOS High Sierra or earlier.

T: Start up in Target Disk Mode.

Command-V: Start up in verbose mode.

Eject (⏏) or F12 or mouse button or trackpad button: Eject removable media, such as an optical disc.


Run Apple Hardware Diagnostics

  • Shut down > Power Off
  • Power On + D key

The test will usually take about 3 minutes.


Start In To Safe Mode/Boot

  • Shut down the computer, if you laptop does not have a removable battery do this by holding the power button for 10 seconds
  • Give things time to settle, twenty to thirty seconds should do fine
  • Start the computer then hold down the shift key once the start up tone has played
  • Release the Shift key when the grey Apple logo and progress indicator appear
  • At the point where the screen goes dark and the cursor appears type the first letter of the username for your computer, then hit Enter, then type your password, then hit Enter.
  • At this point you should see the spinning beach ball and be in safe mode
  • To check you are in Safe Mode, go to About This Mac > System Report > Software > Boot Mode = Safe

Check Hard Drive Health with Disk Utility

  • Disk Utility > First Aid > Run > Yes to Lock


Check Hard Drive Health with Command Line

sudo -s
diskutil verifyVolume /


Repair Hard Drive Problems with Command Line

sudo -s
diskutil repairvolume /


Check System Console Messages for Errors

  • Utilities > Console > Press the Info button

Reset the System Management Controller SMC


Reset the NVRAM


Install/Reinstall OS


Create USB Installer

10.13 - High Sierra

10.14 - Mojave

10.15 - Catalina

Boot From USB / Optical Drive

Hold down the Option (or as it is otherwise know by the rest of the world the ALT) key, then turn on and keep holding until the Startup Manager appears. You may need to wait a minute or so before the Startup Manager recognises and shows a disc in the optical drive.

Thanks to Apple Support

Create A Shortcut To A Server

Sidebar Shortcut

  • Make sure you are connected to the file server.
  • Display the folder you want to create a shortcut for.
  • Drag the folder from the Finder window contents section to the window's Sidebar.
  • Sidebar icons can be placed in any order you wish. When dragging the icon to the sidebar a blue line will indicate where the icon will be placed when you release the mouse.
  • To reconnect, simply click once on the icon.
  • Note: If you haven't already authenticated/logged into your computer, you will be prompted for your log in name and password.

Dock Shortcut

  • Make sure you are connected to the file server.
  • Display the folder you want to create a shortcut for.
  • Drag the folder from the Finder window contents section to Dock.
  • When placing items in the Dock, they need to be placed:
  • To the RIGHT of the divider line that separates applications from the Trash and other document and folder icons, if the Dock is on the bottom of the screen;
  • UNDER the divider line that separates applications from the Trash and other document and folder icons, if the Dock is on the left or right side of the screen;
  • When dragging the icon to the Dock a space will "open up" for the icon to indicate where the icon will be placed when you release the mouse.
  • To reconnect, simply click once on the icon.
  • Note: If you haven't already authenticated/logged into your computer, you will be prompted for your log in name and password.

Desktop Shortcut

  • Make sure you are connected to the file server.
  • Display the folder you want to create a shortcut for.
  • Drag the folder icon to your Desktop.
  • To reconnect, double click on the icon.
  • Note: If you haven't already authenticated/logged into your computer, you will be prompted for your log in name and password.

Become Root

sudo su

Find Application Files

mdfind -name [application name]

Network Interface IP Address

ifconfig | grep inet

Ping With Timestamp

ping host | perl -nle 'print scalar(localtime), " ", $_'

Thanks - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10679807/how-do-i-timestamp-every-ping-result

Use Wireless Diagnostics (Sierra ?)

  • Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Network.
  • Click “Assist Me,” click Diagnostics, then follow the on-screen instructions.

Or, if you are connected to the wireless network you are having issues with:

  • Quit all open programmes
  • Hold down the Option key, click the Wi-Fi status icon in the menu bar, then choose Open Wireless Diagnostics.
  • Enter your user name and password, click OK, then click Continue.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to analyse the network connection.

Remove Wireless Networks

prune-mac-wifi-networks.sh Shell Script

Take A Screen Shot

  • Entire screen - CMD+Shift+3
  • Portion of screen - CMD+Shift+4 the cursor changes to cross hair click and drag over required area
  • Open window - CMD+Shift+4 then press space bar, move the mouse over the desired window and click once
  • Save to clipboard - CMD+CTRL+Shift+3 for the entire screen or CMD+CTRL+Shift+4 for an open window, once done you can then paste the image as require
  • Applications - Utilities - Grab a tool to do the job

Screen shot files (not sent to the clipboard) are saved to the desktop.

Thanks to Wikihow.com

Lock Screen By Keyboard Shortcut

  • Older machines with optical drive - Control-Shift-Eject
  • Newer machines without optical drive - Control-Shift-Power

To Put To Sleep

  • Older machines with optical drive - Command-Option-Eject
  • Newer machines without optical drive - Command-Option-Power

Open An Un-cooperative File

For example if OS X is refusing to open what you know is a text file, open Finder and locate the file, open the program that will handle the text file. Then while hold down the 'Option (ALT)' and 'Cmd' key drag the file from Finder on to the program.

Burn An ISO File

  1. Insert a blank disc.
  2. Start Disk Utility (/Applications/Utilities/).
  3. File menu, choose 'Open Disk Image' then browse and select the ISO to be burned.
  4. In the volumes listing there will be an item representing the ISO file, select it.
  5. Click the 'Burn' button and follow the instructions.

Start In To Safe Mode/Boot

  • Shut down the computer, if you laptop does not have a removable battery do this by holding the power button for 10 seconds
  • Give things time to settle, twenty to thirty seconds should do fine
  • Start the computer then hold down the shift key once the start up tone has played
  • Release the Shift key when the grey Apple logo and progress indicator appear
  • At the point where the screen goes dark and the cursor appears type the first letter of the username for your computer, then hit Enter, then type your password, then hit Enter.
  • At this point you should see the spinning beach ball and be in safe mode
  • To check you are in Safe Mode, go to About This Mac > System Report > Software > Boot Mode = Safe

Install/Reinstall OS


Create USB Installer

10.13 - High Sierra

10.14 - Mojave

10.15 - Catalina

Remove Or Change CoreStorage Partition


Boot From USB / Optical Drive

Hold down the Option (or as it is otherwise know by the rest of the world the ALT) key, then turn on and keep holding until the Startup Manager appears. You may need to wait a minute or so before the Startup Manager recognises and shows a disc in the optical drive.



Create A Shortcut To A Server

Sidebar Shortcut

  • Make sure you are connected to the file server.
  • Display the folder you want to create a shortcut for.
  • Drag the folder from the Finder window contents section to the window's Sidebar.
  • Sidebar icons can be placed in any order you wish. When dragging the icon to the sidebar a blue line will indicate where the icon will be placed when you release the mouse.
  • To reconnect, simply click once on the icon.
  • Note: If you haven't already authenticated/logged into your computer, you will be prompted for your log in name and password.

Dock Shortcut

  • Make sure you are connected to the file server.
  • Display the folder you want to create a shortcut for.
  • Drag the folder from the Finder window contents section to Dock.
  • When placing items in the Dock, they need to be placed:
  • To the RIGHT of the divider line that separates applications from the Trash and other document and folder icons, if the Dock is on the bottom of the screen;
  • UNDER the divider line that separates applications from the Trash and other document and folder icons, if the Dock is on the left or right side of the screen;
  • When dragging the icon to the Dock a space will "open up" for the icon to indicate where the icon will be placed when you release the mouse.
  • To reconnect, simply click once on the icon.
  • Note: If you haven't already authenticated/logged into your computer, you will be prompted for your log in name and password.

Desktop Shortcut

  • Make sure you are connected to the file server.
  • Display the folder you want to create a shortcut for.
  • Drag the folder icon to your Desktop.
  • To reconnect, double click on the icon.
  • Note: If you haven't already authenticated/logged into your computer, you will be prompted for your log in name and password.


Enable 2D Look & Feel

defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -bool true

To revert the behaviour run again changing true to false

Make Hidden Items Icons Translucent

 defaults write com.apple.Dock showhidden -bool YES

To revert the behaviour run again changing YES to NO

Change Delay When Showing and Hiding the Dock

defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide-delay -float 0 && killall Dock

The above removes any delay.


Prevent A User's Directory From Being Visible In Finder

NOTE: Applies to Yosemite (10.10 and newer).

Running the following command moves the home directory to /var, a hidden directory:


sudo mv /Users/hiddenuser /var/hideuser

The following command updates the user record of "hiddenuser" with the new home directory path in /var:


sudo dscl . -create /Users/hideuser NFSHomeDirectory /var/hiddenuser

The following command removes the Public Folder share point for the user with the long name "Hide User”:


sudo dscl . -delete "/SharePoints/Hide User Public Folder"
  • Where 'hideuser' is the name of the profile to be hidden.
  • Reboot the system after either change to enable it.

Browse Outside Of Your Own User Profile

  • Open Finder
  • Use the keyboard combination 'Shift+CMD+G' to open the 'Go to the folder:' window
  • Typing / in the box provided will take you to the root of the drive

Display Hidden Files

Method One


defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES

To revert the behaviour run again changing YES to NO

Method 2


Display The File Path


defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES

To revert the behaviour run again changing YES to NO

Search Foo




HOWTO: Keyboard Shortcuts:

  • Delete = CMD+backspace
  • Spotlight = CMD+Spacebar
  • Hash key = Alt+3

Keyboard mappings using a PC keyboard on a Macintosh

HOWTO: Terminal

List All Network Interfaces

networksetup -listallhardwareports

Tree Command

alias tree="find . -print | sed -e 's;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g'"

Show Kernel Routing Table

sudo netstat -nr

Install Package

sudo installer -pkg Whatever.pkg -target /

CLI Aliases

Unlike Linux OS X does not provide a user with their own aliases file, so you will need first to create one.


nano .bash_profile

This will open a blank file, create your alias:

alias ll='ls -lah'
alias la='ls -A'
alias l='ls -CF'
alias ping='ping -c3'
alias pingg='ping -c3 www.google.co.uk'
alias update='sudo softwareupdate -i -a'
alias hg='history |grep'

CTRL+O to write to the file, press enter then CTRL+X to exit.

To load the new alias profile:


source ~/.bash_profile

To confirm the entries:



This will then display all the aliases entered in the bash_profile file.



plus 3 weeks:
date -v +3w

minus 3 weeks:
date -v -3w 

plus 3 weeks and 2 days:
date -v +3w -v +2d


  • Open Finder
  • Open Utilities folder, Terminal is inside.


Spotlight >> Terminal


List All


ps -ax

This will list all the running processes, potentially two to three hundred of them.

Find Specific Process


ps -ax | grep <name of application>

ps -ax | grep Lightroom

The returned result will show the process ID number (the first set of numbers after the original command) as well as the folder from which the programme was launched.

ps -ax | grep Lightroom 14530 ?? 0:42.18 /Applications/Lightroom.app/Contents/MacOS/Lightroom -psn_0_8108250 14947 ttys000 0:00.00 grep Lightroom

Stop A Process


kill 14530


kill Lightroom

Thanks to Chris Writes.

System Updates

Find Updates

sudo softwareupdate --list

Install Specific Update

sudo softwareupdate -v -i iTunesXPatch-12.3.1

Download Not Install Specific Update

sudo softwareupdate -d iTunesXPatch-12.3.1

Cancel Update

sudo softwareupdate -e

Ignore Specific Software

sudo softwareupdate --ignore JavaForOSX

Update All Software

sudo softwareupdate -i -a -v

Turn on or off automatic background check

sudo softwareupdate --schedule on
sudo softwareupdate --schedule off


sudo softwareupdate -h

Thanks - http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/apple-mac-os-x-update-softwareupdate-bash-shell-command/


As with many other *nix systems in the terminal 'sudo' is used to do things as root.


Brother Inkjet Printer Duplex Mode

In your chosen application:

  • File | Print | Copies & Pages | Select the 'Layout' option
  • Under 'Two-Sided' select either 'Long-Edge binding' or 'Short-Edge binding' depending on the orientation of you paper

Follow the settings from there.

NOTE: The settings will not be retained between print jobs. There may be a way around this but I don't have a Mac to experiment on.


If your Mac beeps during startup


TCP And UDP Ports Used By Apple Software Products

Apple Support

OS X and macOS Code Names and Dates

  • OS X 10 beta: Kodiak - 13 September 2000
  • OS X 10.0: Cheetah - 24 March 2001
  • OS X 10.1: Puma - 25 September 2001
  • OS X 10.2: Jaguar - 24 August 2002
  • OS X 10.3 Panther (Pinot) - 24 October 2003
  • OS X 10.4 Tiger (Merlot) - 29 April 2005
  • OS X 10.4.4 Tiger (Chardonnay)
  • OS X 10.5 Leopard (Chablis) - 26 October 2007
  • OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard - 28 August 2009
  • OS X 10.7 Lion (Barolo) - 20 July 2011
  • OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion (Zinfandel) - 25 July 2012
  • OS X 10.9 Mavericks (Cabernet) - 22 October 2013
  • OS X 10.10: Yosemite (Syrah) - 16 October 2014
  • OS X 10.11: El Capitan (Gala) - 30 September 2015
  • macOS 10.12: Sierra (Fuji) - 20 September 2016
  • macOS 10.13: High Sierra (Lobo) - 25 September 2017
  • macOS 10.14: Mojave (Liberty) - 24 September 2018

Uninstall Protected Apps

The likes of GarageBand etc


Email Mail Settings Lookup


Software Compatibility Lookup


Determining battery cycle count for Mac notebooks


How to identify MacBook Pro models



MacBook Pro: How to remove or install the battery


How to set up your Apple wireless mouse, keyboard, and trackpad


MacBook Pro Support


MacBook Pro (Early 2008 and Late 2008) - Technical Specifications


Package Updates

Not all of the installed applications in OS X can be updated via the command line or by downloading the update manually.

The App Store for OS X 10.6.6 onwards was introduced in January 2011 and can be used to update packages such as iPhoto, iMovie etc.

Domain Environment

NoMAD AD for macOS
