Ubuntu Desktop

From Indie IT Wiki
Revision as of 09:45, 17 February 2017 by imported>Indieit (→‎Those Little Extras)
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This page will attempt to provide details for the latest version of Ubuntu.

16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus


Move Launcher

By default the launcher is set on the left-hand of the screen, but it can now also be set along the bottom of the screen.

gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom

To reset:

gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Left

Icon Size

Dash | System Settings | Personal (section heading) | Appearance | Look (tab) | Launcer icon size (slider)

Auto Hide

Dash | System Settings | Personal (section heading) | Appearance | Behaviour (tab) | Auto-hide the Laucher | ON/OFF (switch) - once on further options are made available.

Enable Workspaces

Dash | System Settings | Personal (section heading) | Appearance | Behaviour (tab) | Enable workspaces - tick box to activate

Show Desktop Icon

Dash | System Settings | Personal (section heading) | Appearance | Behaviour (tab) | Add show desktop icon to the launcer - tick box to activate

Window Menu Location

Dash | System Settings | Personal (section heading) | Appearance | Behaviour (tab) | Show the menus for a windows - select option  

Window Menu Visibility

Dash | System Settings | Personal (section heading) | Appearance | Behaviour (tab) | Menu visibility - select option

Restore All Setting

Dash | System Settings | Personal (section heading) | Appearance | Behaviour (tab) | Restore Behaviour Settings - click button to activate


Guest Account

sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

allow-guest=false # Add this to the end of the file


Additional Drivers

Dash | System Settings | System (section heading) | Software & Updates | Additional Drivers (Tab) | If the wizard finds additional drivers select the relevent item(s) then click the 'Apply Changes' button.

Minimise on Click

Allows you to minimise open applications:

gsettings set org.compiz.unityshell:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/ launcher-minimize-window true


Full System Language Support

Dash | System Settings | Personal (section heading) | Language Support

On opening the system will inform you 'Language support is not installed completely', click either 'Remind Me Later' or 'Install' button.

If you chose the 'Install' option a password prompt will follow.

Those Little Extras

sudo apt update
sudo apt install synaptic gdebi aptitude ubuntu-restricted-addons ubuntu-restricted-extras dconf-tools


Privacy Settings

Dash | System Settings | Personal (section heading) | Security & Privacy | Files & Applications (tab) | Modify as desired


Text Entry Icon From Main Toolbar

Dash | System Settings | Personal (section heading) | Text Entry | Un-tick the box next to "Show current input source in the menu bar".

Un-needed Language Inputs

Dash | System Settings | Personal (section heading) | Text Entry | Select the un-needed language entry | Press the minus button at the bottom of the column

Remove White Dots From Login Screen

sudo xhost +SI:localuser:lightdm
sudo su lightdm -s /bin/bash
gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-grid false