Chocolatey Software
Chocolatey Software, a package manager for Windows which can be used as a standalone package by individuals, and businesses via packages such as puppet and Ansible.
Standalone Install
Open PowerShell as an administrator, enter the following and press return:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Chocolatey GUI
choco install chocolateygui chocolatey-core.extension
Prevent Desktop Icons From Being Added During Package Installations
Open PowerShell as an administrator, enter the following and press return:
choco install cleanup-desktop-shortcuts.hook --pre
Install A Package
Open PowerShell as an administrator, enter the following and press return:
choco install <PackageName>
Package Parameters
Log File Location
Upgrade Via The PowerShell
choco upgrade chocolatey
IT Support Software/Utilities
- autopsy -
- cpu-z
- crystaldiskinfo.install
- driverview
- etcher
- hddguardian -
- hwmonitor
- hwinfo.install
- iobit-uninstaller
- networktrafficview
- powertoys
- procexp
- procmon
- putty.install
- speedtest
- sysinternals
Popular Third Party Software
- 7zip.install
- adobereader
- bitwarden
- calibre
- cdburnerxp
- desktopok - DesktopOK is a tool to save and restore the positions of icons
- enpass.install
- filezilla
- googleearthpro
- jre8
- restic -
- elevenclock - Windows 11 only, customizes the standard inbuilt clock
- everythingtoolbar - Replace Windows Search
- teracopy - Replace Windows copy
Office Productivity
- doublecmd -
- freeoffice
- grammarly-for-windows
- libreoffice-still libreoffice-help LibreOffice
- joplin
- metanorma- - Framework for writing & publishing standardization documents
- notepadplusplus npppluginmanager
- office-online-chrome
- pandoc - A universal document converter
- pdf24 - [1] a free and easy to use PDF solution.
- rednotebook -
- wps-office-free
- zotero - Zotero
Computer-Aided Design
- freecad - Freecad is a general purpose feature-based, parametric 3D modeler for CAD, MCAD, CAx, CAE and PLM.
- qet - QElectroTech is a free CAD/CAE editor focusing on electrical schematics drawing features.
- audacity audacity-ffmpeg audacity-lame -
- ocenaudio.install -
- reaper - - Reaper Digital Audio Workstation
- spotify
- fsviewer -
- gimp - GIMP is a cross-platform image editor.
- imagemagick - ImageMagick is a free and open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files.
- jpegview - similar to fsviewer & not just for JPEG files
- krita - Krita is a professional free and open source painting program.
- pinta - Pinta is a free, open source program for drawing and image editing.
- tux-paint
- handbrake.install
- getiplayer
- kdenlive
- makemkv
- lossless-cut
- obs-studio.install
- openshot
- tartube - Tartube is a GUI front-end for compatible YouTube video downloaders
- vlc
- betterbird - Betterbird a fork of Mozilla Thunderbird.
- discord.install
- microsoft-teams.install
- signal
- skype
- telegram.install
- thunderbird
- twitch
- zoom
- zoom-outlook
- bsnes - SNES emulator
- leagueoflegendseune - League Of Legends
- ryujinx - Nintendo Switch Emulator
- steamdeck
- zsnes - SNES emulator
Remote Desktop Tools
- anydesk.install
- chrome-remote-desktop-chrome
- rustdesk
- teamviewer
Web Browsers
- brave - Brave
- firefox
- googlechrome
- googlechrome-allusers
- opera
- tor-browser
Password Management
- bitwarden
- bitwarden-cli
- bitwarden-edge
- bitwarden-chrome
- enpass.install
Social Media
- thedesk.portable - - Mastodon client