Ubuntu 9.04 LDAP/NFS Business Desktop

From Indie IT Wiki
Revision as of 15:14, 18 March 2015 by imported>Indieit (→‎Additional Software Repositories Installed)
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Changing Standard Install To LDAP/NFS Setup

Install the necessary software...

sudo apt-get install nscd portmap nfs-common libpam-ldap

Edit the LDAP configuration files...

sudo nano /etc/ldap.conf
host server.yourdomain.com
base dc=yourdomain,dc=com
rootbinddn cn=your-root-user-or-Manager,dc=yourdomain,dc=com
sudo nano /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
BASE    dc=yourdomain,dc=com
URI     ldap://server.yourdomain.com

Edit the Name Server Switch file...

sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf
passwd:         files ldap
group:          files ldap
shadow:         compat

Make directory to home NFS mounted files...

sudo mkdir /ahome

Add the extra NFS mount lines to system configuration file...

sudo nano /etc/fstab
server.yourdomain.com:/ahome     /ahome     nfs     defaults     0     0


sudo reboot

After login, check you can reach the LDAP server...

sudo getent passwd

Log out of regular PC user (or root user), and try login as LDAP user.

Additional Software Repositories Installed



Software - Additional Packages Installed

The following were installed along with any required dependencies.

  • adobe-flashplugin - Ronseal
  • beagle - A desktop search utility for indexing and searching data, it can index filesystems, Pidgin logs, Evolution mail and data, RSS and others
  • bluefish - A GTK+ HTML editor for the experienced web designer
  • flashplugin-installer - Adobe's Flash Player
  • giver - Other people running Giver on the same network are automatically discovered and you can send files to them by simply dragging the file to their photo or icon shown in Giver
  • gnome-do - Allows you to quickly search for many items present in your GNOME desktop environment
  • googleearth - 3D viewer of planet earth
  • htop - An interactive process viewer
  • mplayer - A media player supporting many popular file formats
  • nautilus-actions - It allows the configuration of programs to be launched on files selected in the nautilus interface
  • nautilus-filename-repairer - An extension which repairs filenames which use wrong encoding
  • nautilus-gksu - An extension that allows you to open files with administration privileges
  • nautilus-image-converter - An extension that allows you to perform basic manipulation on images, i.e. resize, rotate.....
  • nautilus-open-terminal - An extension that allows you to open a terminal in arbitrary local folders
  • nautilus-script-audio-convert - An extension that allows you to script that converts between audio formats, and has rudimentary tagging and compression options
  • nmap - A utility for network exploration or security auditing
  • openclipart-openoffice.org - A collection of 100% license-free, royalty-free, and restriction-free art
  • openoffice.org-base - Database software
  • openssh-client - Portable version of OpenSSH
  • openssh-server - Portable version of OpenSSH
  • picasa - Google's package to find, edit and share photos
  • scribus - Open source page layout software
  • scribus-doc - Documentation for the above
  • skpye - VOIP software
  • sun-java6-plugin - Java!
  • thunderbird - Email client supporting mail/news/RSS along with POP, IMAP and Gmail
  • thunderbird-beagle - An extension that allows Beagle indexing mails read by the user
  • ttf-mscorefonts-installer - Installer for Microsoft TrueType fonts
  • ttf-radisnoir - Font inspired by Universal de Bayer and Bauhaus
  • ubuntu-restricted-extras - Commonly used restricted packages

Software - Default Packages Uninstalled

Generate a list of packages installed...

sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ubuntu-files

This line searches for a particular installed package (from the command above), sends it to awk to get the first column, then sends that to the command xargs, which sends it to apt-get purge...

grep 'bluez' ubuntu-files | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs apt-get purge

It will stop and list the packages it would have removed. If you are happy with this list, then add the option --yes to the line and it will uninstall the items...

grep 'bluez' ubuntu-files | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs apt-get --yes purge
  • bluez (also removes 'bluetooth' 'blues-utils')
  • bluez-alsa
  • bluez-cups
  • bluez-gnome (also removes 'libmbca0')
  • bogofilter
  • bogofilter-bdb
  • bogofilter-common
  • compiz
  • compizconfig-backend-gconf (also removes 'compiz-gnome')
  • compizconfig-settings-manager (also removes 'compiz-fusion-plugins-extra' 'compiz-fusion-plugins-main' 'compiz-plugins')
  • compiz-wrapper
  • computer-janitor (also remove 'computer-janitor-gtk')
  • evolution (also remove 'evolution-exchange' 'evolution-indicator' 'evolution-plugins' 'gnome-do-plugins' 'libevolutions5.0-cil')
  • evolution-common
  • evolution-data-server - (also removes 'Ekiga')
  • example-content
  • f-spot
  • gnome-games
  • gnome-games-data
  • gnome-pilot (also removes 'gnome-pilot-conduits')
  • hotkey-setup
  • mobile-broadband-provider-info
  • usb-creator