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==== Links ====
==== Links ====
[https://www.nicehash.com/blog/post/how-to-connect-hiveos-rig-to-nicehash Connect HiveOS rig to NiceHash]
[https://hiveon.com/os/ Hiveon OS]
[https://hiveon.com/os/ Hiveon OS]

Revision as of 10:22, 4 August 2023

Cryptocurrency is decentralized digital money designed to be used over the internet. Bitcoin, which launched in 2008, was the first cryptocurrency, and it remains by far the biggest, most influential, and best-known. In the years since, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum have grown as digital alternatives to money issued by governments. There are now over 20,000 different cryptocurrencies in circulation.


The easiest way to acquire cryptocurrency is to purchase on an online exchange like Coinbase, which is the world's most trusted and most secure platform to buy, sell and manage crypto.

Top Assets

  1. Bitcoin
  2. Ethereum
  3. Tether
  4. XRP
  5. Cardano
  6. Dogecoin
  7. Solana
  8. TRON
  9. Litecoin
  10. Polygon



Binance vs Coinbase






Getting Started

curl -s https://api.coinbase.com/v2/prices/ETH-USD/spot | jq -r .data.amount




BotCrypto - Crypto Trading Bots


A Complete Guide to Cryptocurrency Trading for Beginners


UK Tax Law - Easily sync wallets and prepare HRMC forms


Mining is the process that Bitcoin and several other cryptocurrencies use to generate new coins and verify new transactions. It involves vast, decentralized networks of computers around the world that verify and secure blockchains - the virtual ledgers that document cryptocurrency transactions.


NiceHash is the world's leading hashpower marketplace, where you connect your computers as miners and earn Bitcoin for every share.


CPU and GPU Mining with NiceHash QuickMiner

What is NiceHash OS

NiceHash OS User Guide

NiceHash Rig Manager User Guide

NiceHash Discord Group

NiceHash on GitHub

Mining Hardware
Type Name Speed Profitability
CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz 1.0 kH/s 0.00000133
GPU Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 Example Example
Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example

XMRig Command Line Options


Hiveon is the ultimate mining platform which allows users to setup, mine and control processes more effectively and hassle-free across thousands of rigs all from a single place. Everything you and your team need to keep your farm at peak efficiency.

  • Farm = a group of rigs which mine.
  • Rig = a mining device equipped with a motherboard, CPU, RAM, SSD/HDD, and GPU.
  • Worker = a piece of hardware which will mine.

Steps to get started

I really needed these simple, step by step instructions because it is not clear and some of the links are dead (sigh).


  1. create an account at Hiveon
  2. confirm the link in the email
  3. log in
  4. your first farm will be automatically created
  5. click add rig
  6. follow the wizard to download the Hiveon OS and burn it to your USB drive
  7. in the wizard, download the rig.conf file
  8. when the USB drive has finished being created, take it out, then back in and mount HIVE partition
  9. copy that rig.conf file to the HIVE partition and then unmount the drive partition
  10. pull out the drive and put it in your mining rig computer
  11. start the computer and watch your Hiveon Dashboard for the rig to appear in your farm


How to create a wallet and a flight sheet, and to start mine in Hiveon OS


Connect HiveOS rig to NiceHash

Hiveon OS

The most profitable Ethereum Classic mining pool for GPU rigs



How to Install Hive OS to a M.2 SATA or mSATA drive


How do I move crypto between my Coinbase Wallet and Coinbase.com account? | Coinbase Help